Insolvency & Restructuring News

European Commission consultation on the future of EU insolvency law


The European Commission has recently launched a consultation examining the current EU insolvency regime. Please let us have your views on the issues.

European Commission consultation on the future of EU insolvency law

European Commission consultation on the future of EU insolvency law

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Recent Bulletins

A key service provided by the ILA is the provision of bulletins keeping its membership up-to-date with the latest developments in insolvency law.

Below are a selection of recent topics covered:

  • HMRC v Payroll & Pension Services – unlimited cross-undertaking in damages a condition to appointment of provisional liquidators
  • Southbank Tenant - reliance on alleged breach of s123 IA 1986 lease condition as ground for forfeiture
  • Dobbies Garden Centre – Scottish restructuring plan